Tag Archives: Stephanie Mills

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Legendary R&B singer, Stephanie Mills, is incredibly proud of the major accomplishment her special needs son has just made and she wants all of you to support her son’s efforts.

In case you didn’t know, the “home” songstress’ adult son, Farad J. Mills, has down syndrome, and he is one of the coolest, warmest souls ever. For years, Mills has kept he son and his identity pretty private, but now that Farad is a teen with ambitions of his own, she’s proudly showing him off to the world and we are LOVING it!

First Up, Meet Stephanie Mills Son, Farad J. Mills…

Stephanie Mills son, Farad J. Mills [Instagram]
Introducing the son of Stephanie Mills, Farad J. Mills. In February 2019, Farad turned 18 and Ms. Mills took to social media to share a touching homage to her seed:

“He is the love of my life! I have been Blessed beyond measure, however there is no bigger Blessing from God than my son! I love my son for who he is. I can’t Thank God Enough for Blessing me with you. I always try to provide him with the best of everything that includes unconditional love, forever peace, support, and a caring heart. I love you Farad J.”


Not only is Farad J. a kind hearted individual, the brotha can also play guitar and knows how to cut up with his Moms on stage. Peep exhibit A below…


Now that we are well acquainted with Stephanie Mills son, scroll down to see why she’s asking for your support for his latest accomplishment…

Wait ‘Til Y’all See The Huge Business Move Stephanie Mills’ Son Has Now Made>>>

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When it comes to the legendary songstress Stephanie Mills there are few facts that are certain: (1) She is a SANGIN’ somebody; (2) She’s still sexy as ever at 62; (3) she’s a 4’9″ feisty woman, who always speaks her mind; and (4) when it comes to standing up for her ex-boyfriend, Michael Jackson, she is most definitely his ‘ride-or-die type of chick’.

The latter description of Ms. Mills could not be more evident in her latest display of outspokenness, regarding the Leaving Neverland documentary and everyone involved…including Oprah.


In case anyone out there didn’t know that the “Feel Good” singer dated MJ back in the day, we’ll break down their monumental coupled up era shortly. For now though, let’s dig into how Stephanie Mills has just put Oprah Winfrey, HBO, and MJ’s accusers all in their places over the ‘lies’ the accusers told about her ex.

In a lengthy online post, Mills had much to say about HBO’s documentary and the discrepancies it’s exposed. Scroll down to get a load of this…

Wait ‘Til You See How Mills Is Checkin’ EVERYBODY>>>

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If there’s one thing we’ve learned long ago about legendary R&B songstress, Stephanie Mills, it’s that she ALWAYS speaks her mind. She also always has her ‘I-wish-somebody-would-try-me’ clap-back ready responses on deck, just in case she needs to access them at any given moment. British pop singer, or as some would describe him-wannabe-soul-singer- Sam Smith, learned this lessoned the hard way, after what he’s just said about the King of pop, Michael Jackson.

What Had Happened Was…

Ya see, ILOSM fam,’ there’s a distinct difference between simply being a singer who can sing, or a singer who can SANG, and a music icon who is the most known and greatest entertainer across the entire globe. So, in order of the descriptions we’ve just described, the names go as such- Sam Smith (can sing); Stephanie Mills (a legend who can SANG); and Michael Jackson, well y’all already know what time it is with him.

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True, we all already know why MJ is one of the greatest of all time, but unfortunately for Sam Smith, he never got that memo and his ignorance n that matter surfaced in a new viral video, in which Sam is heard saying:

 “I don’t like Michael Jackson, but this is a good song.”

Soon after Smith stated that, friends who were not seen, can be heard shockingly saying, “Wow,” just before the video ends.


Needless to say, Sam immediately started getting clobbered and virtually molly-whopped all up and down folks’ social media news feeds, not only because he doesn’t respect MJ and his music, but because he’s long since been accused of cultural appropriation. Many blame Sam for jackin’ the sound of Black music and reaping the benefits of it, without paying homage to the culture he’s accused of mimicking. So his latest MJ diss, didn’t help him…at all.

Stephanie Mills To Sam Smith: ‘Sit your 1 HIT WONDER a$$ down!’

Stephanie Mills is the ex-girlfriend of Michael Jackson, as well as an artist who respects his talents immensely. Therefore, she had a LOT to say about Sam Smith and pulled no shorts while slammin’ the HELL outta him. In an Instagram post she shared on Monday (Aug. 13, 2018), Stephanie (IG name @iamstephaniemills) read Sam Smith somethin’ SERIOUS! She even tagged him in the post to make sure he got the message:

iamstephaniemills: “@Samsmithworld Don’t come for MICHAEL JACKSON when you wish you have sold as many records and you wish you were the King of Pop like he was. I’m so tired of you people studying our music, and studying our artist and claiming that you don’t like our music. Go sit your 1 HIT WONDER ass down and learn how to finish a tour. When you can sell as many records as the king of Pop, Michael Jackson then maybe you can say something. So I say to you Mr. Smith have several seats and come for me if you want to.”

And BOOM…drops mic, exits stage left- that was probably Stephanie Mill’s next move, following her IG post. As you can see, she had much to get off of her chest and there are many who agreed with her on this one.

Now, even though she called Sam a “1 hit wonder,” that doesn’t technically fit his success. He’s had more than one hit. However, his success in the music game is like a single grain of salt in comparison to MJ’s, just sayin.’

Shalamar Portrait Session
Shalamar (L-R) Jeffrey Daniel, Jody Watley and Howard Hewett; 1981 (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

A while back, when we published an article about Stephanie Mills being married to a Shalamar singer back in the day, we realized many people had no clue about them. However, most of their fans were still pleasantly surprised. Although Stephanie and Shalamar’s, Jeffrey Daniel, divorced years ago, we wanted to share excerpts from an Ebony Magazine interview Mills did soon after they’d split, because the honesty and pain she revealed about their love, still resonates today. Stephanie and Jeffrey split in 1982, but didn’t officially divorce until ’83, after just three years of marriage.

Mills’ Biggest Regret About Marriage To Daniel

Stephanie Mills and her then husband, Shalamar member, Jeffrey Daniel
Stephanie Mills and her then husband, Shalamar member, Jeffrey Daniel

Stephanie says that one of biggest regrets ” is that I didn’t have a baby for my husband. God knows I tried, but it’s something that just never happened. He wanted a son, and I’d still like to have it for him.”

When asked if having a baby for Daniel would have ‘saved their marriage’ at that time, Mills replied:

“Probably, I think it might help,” stated Mills.

She then addressed how her and Daniel’s short marriage unfortunately fit into the celeb’ marriage stereotype:

“I suppose that suggests that ‘show business marriages’ don’t have very good chances of surviving,” Stephanie says. “Both partners are so much in the public eye all the time and when you add that to all the other problems that come up in a ‘normal’ marriage, the picture’s not very bright. Maybe Jeffrey and I will have to do like some other couples- divorce, give ourselves a little time and space, then marry again. Maybe in-between we’ll learn all the lessons a couple has to learn in order to make a marriage survive,” Mills stated at the time of their separation.

Her Biggest Insecurity That Jeffrey Daniel Helped Eliminate

The beautiful 4’9″ songstress also confessed one of her biggest insecurities and how Jeffrey helped her to overcome it, despite their drama:

“Some people might find this hard to believe, but my marriage to Jeffrey Daniel was the greatest thing that could’ve happened to me. See, I’ve gone through some real changes at various times of my life, but because of Jeffrey, I’m now very happy with myself. All my life I tried to be the best I could be and I tried to look the best I could look. I always knew there are no perfect people in the world, but I had some problems about being a short person, and I suppose every girl wonders if she’s as attractive as someone else. As an entertainer, I know society has a thing about beauty. People are into that tall-pretty-girl-with-long-hair thing, you know. … I used to feel intimidated when I was around those gorgeous ladies, but I don’t feel that way anymore.”

When asked if therapy also helped her overcome her short complex,  Mills adamantly gave all props to Jefferey about this:

“Oh, no. It was Jeffrey Daniel,” she says. “He never stopped telling me that he loved me the way I was. He never tried to change me, and he told me I didn’t have to always wear high-heel shoes, for example. He told me, ‘Stephanie, if I’d wanted a tall woman I’d have married one. So don’t wear high heels for me. I love you in sneakers, barefooted, any way you want to be.’ He meant that and it went a long way in helping me change what I’d thought of myself at times. Now I think I’m tall as anyone else, I think I look good as anyone else.”

Stephanie Mills with her then husband/Shalamar singer, Jeffrey Daniels (via Facebook)

Overcoming Their Painful Divorce

Stephanie also stated she eventually realized that then 22 year old Jeffrey was too young at that time, to be a ‘responsibly’ married man. Although their marriage was plagued by cheating rumors and rumors of hostile arguments and/or altercations, she admitted their split took a painful toll on her:

“When Jeffrey and I first separated, I thought my whole world had collapsed. I didn’t think I was going to make it…. Here I was in this big house and I’d never really been alone. But let me tell you something. One day I got  up and went to the mirror and looked at myself and said, ‘Now look here, Stephanie Mills, you’re out here in California, you’re alone now, and YOU…ARE…GOING…TO…MAKE IT.

Damn…guess their union unfortunately wasn’t meant to be. We respect Ms. Mills for sharing her vulnerabilities with the world though.

Here at ILOSM, we’ve been fans of the legendary Stephanie Mills since “Never Knew Love Like This Before,” “Home,” “I’ve Learned To Respect The Power of Love,” and more. Just like those beautiful memories, Stephanie Mills gave us in the 1980’s, she’s just created some more memorable moments that her fans will thank her for.

A few months ago, Stephanie turned 60 -Happy belated b-day Steph!’ Yeah, I called her ‘Steph’ because in my mind, we’re cool like that, LOL. Anywho, Ms. Mills is just as sexy and FINE as she ever was. So in case anyone doubted if there was such a thing as in being ageless, Stephanie has proven those naysayers ALL the way wrong.

I’ve been seeing Mills flaunt her bangin’ body in spandex dresses and such in recent years, however, I had not seen her in a sexy swimsuit since her 1989 “Comfort of a Man” video…

Welp folks, it’s a new day, but ain’t nothing changed about Ms. Mills’ now 60 year old curves. In an online post, Stephanie showed off her body in a bronzed colored swimsuit and we give her a big round of applause and an old school fist bump for how she’s keeping it together in ALL areas. Check out her bikini body post below…

2017: Stephanie Mills out here living her best life


Now, of course we cannot talk about Stephanie Mills, without talking about her beautiful love, which is another thing that has not changed in decades. She’s still out here doing her thang on stage. Check out one of recent performances, where she nailed it on her and the late Teddy Pendergrass’ recording of “Feel the Fire”…

In case y’all didn’t already know, listen up: R&B legend, Stephanie Mills (60), speaks her mind at ALL times, especially when it comes to the preservation of her culture. The beautiful, age-less 4’9″ “I Feel Good” singer did an interview on Sister Circle the other day and covered a wide range of topics, including the industry’s ‘whitewashing’ of R&B music, the Kardashian family, police brutality and Black women with booty injections. Told y’all she keeps it 100, so let’s dig into what she said *scroll down to watch her interview*

Mills On The Whitewashing Of R&B

When singer/Sister Circle co-host, Syleena Johnson, asked Mills what she thought about the current state of music, Ms. Mills did not hesitate to call out music industry execs for deliberately ignoring Black R&B singers and putting a boatload of money into White soul artists, instead:

“I think they want R&B, but they don’t want it from us. … They want it from Adele and Justin Timberlake and those people; they don’t want it from us,” said Mills. She later added that the industry doesn’t “want to show the respect of where it comes from.”

Ms. Mills also gave a word to the wise to the Black artists of today’s times:

“The hardest thing for an artist to realize is that you’re just a dollar to most people. […] These Black people out here that are these stars need to know that when you’re invited to people’s homes, you’re just entertainment,” she said. “You’re never their friends. Let’s be clear.”

Can’t argue with Stephanie Mills on that one. She’s giving a very realistic view of the current climate of mainstream R&B, as it pertains to these corporate music labels in the game. Moving on…

Mills On Black Women w/Booty Injections & Her Shade To The Kardashians

“I don’t understand Black women that inject their bodies. […] I don’t understand that. We’re beautiful. And that’s really what I want to point out: that we are beautiful. We don’t have to look like the Kardashians. The Kardashians are trying to look like us.”

Staten Island Man Dies after cops chokehold him
A 400 pound asthmatic Eric Garner died while being arrested by police in Staten Island. (Photo By: /NY Daily News via Getty Images)

Stephanie also talked about her 16 year old son who has down syndrome, and while doing so, she discussed her fear of the police brutality against Black people:

“What frightens me about raising a beautiful Black child, is the brutality of our policemen…I want you to stop killing us. We’re not animals, we’re NOT. And none of the policemen that did all of this killing with Freddie Gray and Trayvon Martin -I wanted to say their names- and Eric Garner and Sandra Bland, they didn’t get in jail because our system is so corrupt, that the criminals get away. I want the police officers to stop, because if they pull up on me and hurt MY child, you will be reading about me…y’all will be putting something on my books (prison commissary)…”

And boom! Drops mic…exits stage left…

Watch Mill’s Interview Clips Here




Stephanie Mills has one of the most powerful voices in soul music history and she also probably has one of the most short lived marriages to a fellow R&B singer in soul music history as well.

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In 1980, the “Power of Love” singer jumped the broom with a popular R&B singer of the late 70’s and 80’s era. At that time, some of their family and friends hated the fact that they said “I do” to each other, but Stephanie and her man were determined to make their love and their marriage work. If you’re a fan of old school R&B music, you know her ex-husband very well, even if you may not have known that they were once in wedded bliss at the height of their careers. KEEP SCROLLING TO SEE WHO HE IS…


Now I know what some of you may be thinking: ‘Wasn’t Jeffrey in a long term relationship with his fellow Shalamar member, Jody Watley, during that time? The answer is ‘yes,’ BUT the answer is also ‘no.’

Shalamar Portrait Session
Shalamar (L-R) Jeffrey Daniel, Jody Watley and Howard Hewett; 1981 (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

While it is true that Jeffrey and Jody were seriously dating in the late 70’s, things went sour between them.  So they broke up and both of them moved on with their love-lives, but Shalamar stayed together. That’s when Jeffrey met Stephanie.

Stephanie Mills and her then husband, Shalamar member, Jeffrey Daniel
Stephanie Mills and her then husband, Shalamar member, Jeffrey Daniel

Stephanie Mills Reveals Why Marriage To Jeffrey Daniels Fell Apart

Jeffrey and Stephanie married only a few short months after they were introduced by a mutual friend and remember we mentioned that some of their family and friends hated that they were married? Mills revealed why in a past interview with Ebony Magazine. See the excerpts below:

Stephanie Mills:”My marriage was plagued by controversies and pressures from the moment Jeffrey and I decided to become husband and wife. Let’s just say there have been some forces -some people actually- determined from the very beginning to keep us apart, and when we went ahead and married, they did everything possible to break us up.”

SM: “Its’s no secret that my family didn’t want me to get married. My parents knew that I had made up my mind to do it, so I had their blessing, and my mother was helping plan the wedding. But others in my family thought it would be better for me to remain home. They’ve always wanted to keep me close by and protect me. But I was a full grown woman when I decided to marry, and I knew it was time for me to start making my own decisions about my life.”

EbonyMag: So what did you do?

SM: “I packed up my things, left my family [she had bought a 27 room house in New York’s surburban Westchester County for them], and moved in with my sister Judy in Los Angeles until I married and found my own place.

Stephanie and Jeffrey were married for over a year, before Stephanie filed for divorce in September of 1981. Word on the Old School curb has always been that one of Stephanie’s sisters seriously wanted her to hold out for her ex-boyfriend, Michael Jackson (yes THE MJ…they were a couple back in the day), and eventually marry him one day.

There were also rumors that on Stephanie Mills’ and Jeffrey Daniel’s wedding day, one of her sisters attempted to pull Stephanie out of the car, just before she and Jeffrey were about to be whisked away into marital bliss. But that was never confirmed, although Stephanie did admit to terminating her working relationship with her sister, Audrey, around the same time.

In that same Ebony interview, Stephanie also said that Jeffrey’s friends didn’t like her, although she didn’t know why.

Like we always say, here at I LOVE OLD SCHOOL MUSIC, many of our favorite celebs go through regular trials and tribulations just like the rest of us, because they’re human. Much respect to Ms. Mills for sharing her’s with the public.

stephanie mills blog picAs the many protest against Trump’s presidency continue this inauguration weekend, we’re seeing more and more celebs step out to stand up for various rights that Donald Trump isn’t quite known to represent.

Yesterday (Friday) “Home” singer, Stephanie Mills showed up and showed out on stage for the Concert For America, which took place three hours after the Inauguration.

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For the record, Concert For America dubs itself as not necessarily an anti-Trump concert, but rather a benefit concert that will donate it’s proceeds to “benefit groups that protect civil rights, women’s health and environmental protection, including Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law Center, National Immigration Law Center and the Sierra Club Foundation.”

In other words, it’s an anti-Trump concert, if you ask me. Nothing wrong with that…

Anywho, I love the cause behind the concert and everything, I really do, but to be honest with y’all, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Stephanie Mills. She was looking good in her red dress. She sounded equally as beautiful as well Check out her performance below…

[kkgallery kid=”3105″ title=”Stephanie Mills Performs In Protest Of Trump & Looks DAMN Good Doing It”]

In case you didn’t know by now Stephanie Mills may be small in stature, standing 4’9″…but she has a BIG personality and ain’t afraid to speak her mind…which is one of the reasons why I think she should do more interviews because they’re usually entertaining. Anyways, Ms. Mills had a lot to say about Brian McKnight in a past interview. See why she called him disrespectful…

[kkgallery kid=”2378″ title=”Stephanie Mills Explains WHY She Called Brian McKnight DISRESPECTFUL”]












-ILoveOldSchoolMusic, old school news with a new point of view. Come join our ILOSM fam’ on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @iloveoldschoolmusic

fb wizHere at ILoveOldSchoolMusic, we’re all about equality and eliminating injustices. We’re also about depicting things for what they are, nothing more nothing less. So you can imagine my shock when I woke up this morning to several emails and messages informing us about how many Caucasian people on Twitter were furious and taking shots at NBC, the cast and producers of The Wiz Live Broadway play for not having any Caucasian people in it.
wiz tweet1 wiz tweet2 tweet6 tweet5 tweet4 tweet3 tweet7My first thought was ‘Well, they’re actually wrong, I did spot two or three Caucasian dancers during the scene at the “Wiz’s” place when they were dancing in all green’ and then I realized that the folks who were complaining, missed one major factor- they are clearly getting THE WIZ movie totally confused with THE WIZARD OF OZ movie- There is a MAJOR difference between the two…but it doesn’t sound like they actually were aware of that. The 1978 The Wiz movie was a remake of a film that was originally created as an African American version of 1939 The Wizard of Oz movie, which is the original all-White version. So I’m not quite sure if the critics got that memo.
the wizThe Wiz Live was not about excluding Caucasian people, but rather about attempting to throughly depict a version of the original all-Black Broadway play, which is a depiction of the original all-Black film The Wiz. Had African Americans been included in the first cast of the original The Wizard of Oz version in 1939, there would have never been a reason to create a Black version of it in 1978 in the first place. Truth be told, The Wiz Live was extremely well created and depicted and people from all walks of life were entertained by it, with the exception of those who were angry on Twitter.
wizard of ozAnother thing that I cannot help but think about is that had NBC decided to do a remake of the 1939 version of the all-White cast of The Wizard of Oz, and decided to cast a Black “Dorothy” instead, all hell would have once again broke lose, much like it did when there was a major uproar when actress, Quvenzhane’ Willis, was cast as “Annie” in the 2014 film, Annie. So I guess NBC and The Wiz producers couldn’t really win if they tried….at least not in the eyes of those who are complaining about an African American film being re-depicted on Broadway by an African American cast…geesh!

Nonetheless, we think that every last one of those actors deserve their props for a job well done:
stephanie and dorothy Stephanie Mills is a helluva actress and needs to be doing many more movies from here on out. She was so natural it was incredible!

neyoSinger, Neyo, shocked the hell out of me! I had no clue he was going to be such a good actor and of course his singing and dancing was off the charts as “Tinman.”

scrarecrow3The new cat, Elijah Kelly- excellent job! He played the “Scarecrow” and it was great to see that he was able to not get stuck into imitating Michael Jackson-the originator of that role, but that he was able to bring his own flavor to it. His singing was also the bomb.

david allen grier lionDavid Allen Grier PLAYED that scary “Lion” role! For a minute I actually forgot I was watching Grier, he was that good…but then when he popped through with this one word he said like only he can “Boo-Yah!!!” I knew it was him, LOL.

mary j in wizMary J. Blige did her thing too. I’ll be honest, I’ve seen Mary’s acting skills a couple times and I personally thought she was going to be not so great with her “Evilene” role, but I was wrong, she held her own against some of these heavyweights.
dorothy2Who could forget about Dorothy, played by newcomer, Shanice Williams? She was the perfect person for the job, she had a natural ability to tap into that innocence of the “Dorothy” character.

uzo-aduba-the-wizWas I the only one shocked to find out that actress, Uzo Aduba (a.k.a. “Crazy Eyes” from Orange Is The New Black) could sing? Uzo gets much respect from me because not only did she show that her versatility as an actress was on point (let’s face it, the good witch, Glenda, is a far cry from that orange jumpsuit we typically see her in), but she also showed that she can sing!

queen wizQueen Latifah will kill everything she touches, so we expected nothing less when she played “The Wiz” role and she most definitely delivered.

glee girlAmber Riley (the actress who starred in the TV series, Glee) was another one who was so natural and brought her own personal flavor to that “Good Witch of the North” role. I tip my hat to her too.

common bouncerCommon’s role as the “Wiz’s bouncer” was a trip telling folks they needed to back up to the end of that invisible line, LOL. He carried his role well too.

Overall here’s what we think about The Wiz Live: Was it as good as the original movie The Wiz? No, but that’s an extremely hard feat to accomplish with a live version of a stage play and that’s okay. BUT was The Wiz Live a phenomenal piece of work? ABSOLUTELY! The cast, the crew, the costume designers (those costumes were off the chain by the way), the producers and writers ALL deserve an Old School high five, fist bump, and a big hand clap for doing a superb job.