Terry Crews is best known for his numerous comedic roles in films like Friday After Next and The Expendables series, as well as TV shows, such as Everybody Hates Chris and the hilarious Old Spice commercials, but what he is not known for is the secret he’s been hiding from the public about his private life. Terry took to his Facebook page the other day to reveal that he had a very severe addiction to pornogrphy and that it was so bad that it landed him in rehab. He also revealed that his wife, Rebecca King, was about to leave him because of it, as well as because he says he was watching porn movies nonstop from morning until night. Here is a snippet of what he said in his video and you can watch the entire video below:
“My wife was like, ‘I don’t know you anymore. I’m out of here.’ And that changed me,” Crews said, “because I realized this thing is a major, major problem.” Crews confesses to having developed a dependency so intense, that he’d watch pornography until day turned into night, a habit that culminated in his stint at a rehabilitation facility. Crews said, “My wife was like, ‘I’m out.’ And you know what? I did not get help so I could get my wife back. I just wanna tell you that. I got help because I needed it.”
Watch Terry’s full video post below: