That Time Comedian Faizon Love Calls Spike Lee A "House Ni--a" For A Bizarre Reason

That Time Comedian Faizon Love Calls Spike Lee A “House Ni–a” For A Bizarre Reason

[L] Faizon Love; [R] Spike Lee
We’ve seen many things in our day ILOSM fam,’ but never would we have imagined that we’d see “Big Worm” (from Friday) calling Spike Lee a “house nigga”…and he also called him a b*tch, but we’ll get to that another time. Apparently comedic actor, Faizon Love, has an issue with Spike, who’s typically known for receiving backlash from mainstream media about how ‘pro-Black’ he is, or how controversial his ‘pro-Black statements’ to the media have been.

Malcolm X Movie?

Welp, according to Mr. Love, Spike is far from pro-Black anything…at least when it comes to his moves within the entertainment industry. Faizon took issue with Spike’s iconic biopic, Malcolm X, in which Denzel did the damn thing when he literally morphed into the historic icon and made us believe we were actually watching Mr. X. in action. However, when Faizon, along with comedian/actor, Deray, stopped by Hot 97’s ‘Ebro in the Morning’ radio show, Faizon blasted Spike. The radio hosts were pretty surprised by that, as were much of the listening audience I’d presume.

Watch ‘Big Worm’ Explain His Issue With Spike’s ‘Shorty’ Portrayal

Faizon Love

Faizon feels that Spike should’t have portrayed his character, ‘Shorty’ (the best friend of Malcolm Little…before he converted to Islam and became Malcolm X), as lighthearted persona for such a serious film. By doing so, Love believes that’s what qualifies Spike as a “house nigga.” If you think it sounds like he’s reaching a lil’ bit with his explanation, I’m with you on that. But just to give Faizon the benefit of a doubt, check out what he said below…and for the record, Deray made it 1000% clear that he was NOT rockin’ with Faizon’s point of view on this one.

“Oh, he’s a house nigga for sure. He’s been a house nigga for years. Trust me. Look at him! You don’t do a movie like Malcolm X and put yourself in as the jibbering comedy relief. […] They ain’t gonna do Schindler’s List and say ‘Hey we’re gonna put a little comedy in here.’ They do it for real,” Faizon said.

Is He For Real?!!

Some may disagree with me, but although I dig Faizon, I beg to differ with him on this one. He’s minimizing the entire body of work with a supporting character (Shorty) that had little screen time in a very profound biopic. I think if ‘Shorty’ was excluded film, it would have given a more watered down perception of who Malcolm Little was and the lifestyle he lived, versus who Malcolm X became as a reformed man-turned-Nation-of-Islam-leader, who fought for basic civil rights of African Americans.

Denzel Washington (Malcolm X) and Spike Lee (Shorty) in Malcolm X film

As far as Spike Lee’s delivery of that masterpiece of a film- which Denzel should have won an award for- many would argue that it was Spike’s best work to date. Aside from the Malcolm X film, Spike has spent his entire directorial career standing up for whatever he felt were injustices, unfairness, etc. toward African Americans in many realms of our culture, regardless of who agreed with him or not. He’s even been shunned, at times, by Hollywood because of it, but Spike never allowed that to silence him. So it’s understandable why many are raising eyebrows at Faizon Love for calling Spike Lee, of all people, a “house nigga.” Thoughts ILOSM fam?

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