The Custody Battle Between Dame Dash And Ex-Wife Rachel Roy Has Gotten Really Ugly

The Custody Battle Between Dame Dash And Ex-Wife Rachel Roy Has Gotten Really Ugly

Dame Dash has been a very outspoken figure in the entertainment industry since his days as co-founder of Rocafella Records with Jay-Z back in the 90’s. But even though Dash doesn’t appear in the public eye as much anymore his name still pops up in the headlines, but not always for the best reasons. Take for instance the current war brewing between he and former wife Rachel Roy. The two are battling for custody of their 11 year old daughter and the allegations they’ve been slinging at each other are pretty devastating.

A War Of Words

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Dash and Roy married in 2005 yet were divorced only four years later. In that time Roy gave birth to two girls, Ava and Tallulah. Though Ava is now nineteen-years-old Tallulah is eleven and in April Dash filed a petition  seeking to increase the time in his custody agreement because of a new work schedule that’s no longer as demanding. However, Hot New Hip Hop claims that both Rachel and Ava aren’t buying his act because they know all too well about his erratic behavior.

The reasons behind their vehement denial stem from claims that Dash is constantly high as a kite around his children and has a lengthy history of domestic abuse. Accordingly, Roy claims the children have anxiety around their father.

Another part of this story is that Ava once filed a declaration against her father claiming that his alleged drug and alcohol usage changes his mood for the worse. However, apparently Dash isn’t the only one who has exhibited irresponsible behavior around their children.

Next Page: Rachel’s Turn >>>

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