His daughter’s name is Debbi James and she is a singer and a model. She and her mother are from Holon, Israel. Sadly, Debbi’s mother also passed away in 2005 and last year she paid homage to both of her parents on her a Facebook page:

Steve James didn’t get to spend many years with his daughter, Debbi, because he passed away when she was still very young, but from the looks of the Facebook page Debbi has started in her Dad’s memory, ‘My Dad Steve James,’ she is keeping his legacy and the beautiful memories she shared with him alive.
It’s sad that he is no longer here with us, but his life can be a reminder that no matter how healthy we may appear to be, we may not be necessarily be as up to par with our health as we think. Most of us reading this are Old Schoolers, so please ILOSM family, let’s all remember to get checkups regularly and the proper screenings to detect any illnesses as early as we possibly can. Steve’s wife Christine’s wise advice to get a second, third, and maybe even fourth opinion from doctors probably won’t hurt either. Thanks to Steve James for leaving us with that life lesson and great memories from back in the day through his acting. May he continue to rest peacefully.