This R&B singer sitting on Bill Cosby’s lap was 4 years old in this Cosby Show scene. She appeared in the episode titled, “Sleepover,” in 1985 where she played one of “Rudy Huxtable’s” friends. She’s now a 41-year-old international star who has won several Grammys and other awards for her contributions to R&B. See who she is below.
Look closely at the pic and see if you can get in the ball park of who she might be and then find out if your guess was a good one…

It’s “Fallin'” and “No One” hit singer, Alicia Keys! Alicia made her TV debut when she played “Rudy’s” buddy on The Cosby Show. Below is the clip of 4-year-old Alicia Keys getting her acting on…
By the way the performance (below) that Alicia Keys did with her idol, Stevie Wonder, a few years ago is timeless. Check out Alicia at the Billboard Awards, with Stevie making it do what it do!