Tina Turner Shot Randy Jackson, Says Tina's Ex-Assistant & Randy...Both Gave Intense Details

Tina Turner Shot Randy Jackson, Says Tina’s Ex-Assistant & Randy…Both Gave Intense Details

Tina Turner; Randy Jackson

According to The Jacksons singer a.k.a. Michael Jackson’s baby bro,’ Randy Jackson, and Eddy Hampton Armon – Tina Turner’s assistant of 22 years, Tina shot Randy in one of the wildest celeb’ feuds ever! It all went down in 1988…but it wasn’t until years later that they’d publicly confirmed this.

Randy Jackson reportedly barged into Tina Turner’s house and stumbled upon on Tina and this then-girlfriend, participating in what Randy insinuated as being some type of ‘affectionate’ encounter…and that’s when all hell broke lose Tina has never publicly denied this incident. Peep crazy dangerous details below…

(R) Randy Jackson with his big bro,’ Michael Jackson


In 2011, Randy confirmed that Tina Turner shot him, to his Twitter followers when he was asked if the story was true. Check out Randy’s tweets:

“This is something many of u probably don’t know… Yes, Tina Turner shot me. I have the scar to prove it,” Randy tweeted.

randy jackson tina turner tweet

Randy Jackson Tina Turner tweet-she-shot-me

“It was in the Eighties. And I don’t hold a grudge against Tina, she’s a great artist and asset to our industry. Having said that, there was no violence on my part, nor have I ever owned or carried a weapon,” Randy added.

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He then hinted that something freaky was going on between the two ladies at that time:

RJ: “I went to Tina’s house to see my girlfriend. I guess I caught them off guard. Hmmm…Next question.”

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RJ: “Having said that, there was no violence on my part, nor have I ever owned or carried a weapon.”

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Tina’s Former Assistant Told All About The Reported Shooting

In a 1993 interview, as well as in his 1998 book, The Real T: My 22 Years with Tina Turner, Tina’s former assistant, Eddy Hampton Armon, gave further details about Tina’s reported ‘Wild, wild, west’ moment:

“Randy had fallen out with his mistress, Bernadette Roby Swann, and she’d fled to Tina’s house,” Eddy recalled. I opened the door to Bernadette and she sobbed: ‘I can’t take anymore. Randy’s threatening me.'”

Eddy says Tina took Bernadette into her bedroom to console her, telling Bernadette that she’s “got yourself an Ike [Turner],” referring to Randy Jackson, and that she “better get rid of him.”

Eddy continued:

“A few minutes later there was another ring from the front gate bell. It was Randy Jackson.

Tina told me not to open the gate, but he screamed, ‘Bernadette I love you, let me in.'”

Newspaper article of Eddy Hampton Armon’s (Tina Turner’s former assistant) interview

According to Eddy, Randy eventually climbed over Tina Turner’s front gate and threw a flowerpot through her window. That’s when he says Tina went for her rifle, telling Randy to ‘Freeze or I’ll blow your brains out.’:

“She keeps two loaded weapons, a .38 revolver and a rifle, says Eddy. She grabbed the rifle, pointed it at the ceiling and fired a warning shot.

Everybody was stunned, but it didn’t stop Randy. He fell to his knees and begged his girlfriend to go with him.”

Eddy said Randy then “charged straight at Tina like raging bull,” and Tina calmly let off a second warning shot right next to Randy’s head to scare him. Legend has it that Randy was in fact scared by that point, and began fleeing through the window he’d previously climbed through…while simultaneously catching a bullet in his a$$, courtesy of Tina Turner.

Welp, I guess Tina wasn’t about to have another Ike-and-Tina-moment in her life. Sounds like Randy learned that lesson the hard way.

Luckily, Tina, who was about 49 at the time, was allegedly an accurate shooter that day and seems to have intentionally avoided hitting Randy’s vital organs. All seems to be forgiven now though…at least from Randy’s side of things.WHAT’S LOVE GOTTA DO WITH IT? 

Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3

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