Twitter Is On Fire: O.J. is Talking, And Now The Rumors About O.J. Simpson And Kris Jenner Are Back Again

Twitter Is On Fire: O.J. is Talking, And Now The Rumors About O.J. Simpson And Kris Jenner Are Back Again

In recent years Kris Jenner has transformed her family into media moguls and entrepreneurs all in their own right. However, it should come as no surprise that her family was destined for the spotlight since she’s always been around the Hollywood elite. Long before she became the textbook definition of the word “Mom-ager” Kim raised her children around many famous people, including notorious football legend O.J. Simpson.

For years there has been speculation as to the true nature of Kris and O.J.’s relationship with both sides denying they’ve ever been anything other than friends. Well now those rumors have crept back into the headlines, but it’s what O.J. is saying now that has everyone reacting on social media.

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In the shocking new documentary Who Killed Nicole? by Norman Pardo, Simpson’s former manager, new details have arisen in regard to O.J. and Kris hooking up for a one night stand. They, along with their spouses Robert Kardashian and Nicole Brown-Simpson, had been hanging out in a hot tub one evening in the early 90’s when Robert and Nicole turned in for the night. Page Six reports that’s when the two of them made a huge mistake that destroyed both of their marriages.

“‘O.J. said he stood up, pulled his shorts down and, I’ll give you exactly what he said: ‘Her eyes bugged out of her head and I f–ked that B until I broke her,’” Pardo recounts on camera in a segment previewed exclusively by The Post.

The brief hot tub tryst was more than Kris bargained for and a few hours later she requested medical attention.

Pardo claims Simpson told him the alleged affair also caused Kris — now known as Kris Jenner, the 63-year-old matriarchal manager of Kim, Khloe and company — physical pain.

Simpson said “they had to take her to the hospital at 2 or 3 in the morning,” Pardo continues in the movie. “She came to [O.J.’s] room and said, ‘Can you take me to the hospital?’ He said, ‘No. Have Rob do it.’”

The fallout from the affair resulted in both Kris and O.J. divorcing their spouses. A few years later more drama would enter O.J.’s life after he was accused of murdering Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman in 1994. As for Kris she re-married Bruce Jenner (now known as Caitlyn) and became a reality television superstar.

Next Page: Shock Is Widespread On Twitter

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