Not sure if we missed something about the status of Ray J’s a.k.a. Brandy’s lil’ brother’s financial standing or extreme popularity, but this cat has been roaming the streets with security fit for Michael Jackson or somebody. I would say the President too, but as far as we know, Ray J didn’t have any snipers on the roof watching his back. But still does he really need MJ’s level of security, or no?
He and his girlfriend, Princess (of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood) went clubbing in Detroit, which has an open carry gun law, and let’s just say that Ray J took full advantage of that law. He had his security dressed in all black like a Black Panther and trailing him with an assault rifle in the presence of hundreds of club goers! What the…?!!
After video and photos surfaced of Ray J and his assault rifle toting security, many on social media were saying that his actions were extremely disrespectful to the city of Detroit and the people in that club. Why you ask? Because Ray J didn’t have to have his security garnish a weapon that has the potential of hitting multiple people at once, which means he potentially put the lives of hundreds of innocent club goers at risk by doing so, if something would have actually jumped off in the club that night. A simple nine millimeter with a laser would have sufficed and would’ve been much more pinpoint accurate if he felt that he simply needed protection.
Today we can clearly see that times have changed. If you feel the need to go to a club with Black Panther-esque security, brandishing assault rifles, then that’s probably NOT the club that you need to be in…just sayin.’