Vanessa Williams surprisingly turned down a lead role for a CLASSIC 80’s movie that would have catapulted her career at that time. Although she doesn’t need any career help now, in the 80’s she sure did. After Penthouse Magazine published her nude photos, WITHOUT her consent, then her Miss America crown was snatched. Williams thought this movie role was too sexual for her at the time, due to her 1984 nude Penthouse photos scandal. See what it is and let us know whether or not you agree with her on this…
School Daze could have been a big career boost for Williams in 1988, because that was the same year her debut album, Right Stuff, released. Starring in a cult classic hit, like School Daze, could have instantly re-branded her as a force to be reckoned with. Overall, it’s great that Williams eventually became a legend and kicked that entire 1984 Miss America staff in the a$$…pardon my ‘french.’
It took the Miss America pageant a whopping 31 years to apologize to Vanessa Williams for jackin’ her out of her Miss America title in 1984, after Penthouse published old, nude photos of her that she did NOT consent to. None of the 2015 members of the MA organization were involved when the ’84 MA staff snatched Williams’ crown. However, at least the 2015 Miss America pageant members had enough character to publicly apologize to Williams, at the 2015 MA pageant, for the harsh actions of the 1984 staff:
“You have lived your life with grace and dignity and never was it more evident during the events of 1984 when you resigned. […] on behalf of today’s organization, I want to apologize for anything that was said and done to you and to your mother, Miss Helen Williams. […] I want to apologize for anything that was said or done that made you feel any less than the Miss America that you are and Miss America you always will be,” said Miss America pageant CEO, Sam Haskell.
Williams was a judge at the 2016 Miss America pageant.