Remember model, Pat Evans? She was the BAD, bold and beautiful model who was rockin’ the bald head on the album covers of Isaac Hayes and The Ohio Players.
After she proudly shaved her head, she not only captivated the attention of those music legends, but also of some of the biggest fashion Magazines across the world. And she obviously captivated the interest of Stan Lathan.
Pat revealed that she knew Sanaa Lathan very well because she dated her Pops starting around the time that Sanaa was 3 or 4 years old. She said that Stan was one of the major loves of her life. Here’s what she posted about Stan and Sanaa on her Facebook page:

Pat Evans was also the lady on the arm of a VERY POPULAR 70’s actor that made all of us, over here at ILOSM, say ‘Say whaaaat?’ when we first found out about them. This dude was an icon no doubt, but let’s just say that he is probably one of the least likely people you may expect Pat to be linked to. He is none other than *drumroll please*…
“Mr. Spock” from Star Trek also known by his government name as Leonard Nimoy! Can you believe that?!!
In today’s era, their union would kind of be equivalent to Mark Zuckerberg dating Beyonce’…it’s just different that’s all. Or maybe it’s just “Fascinating” as “Mr. Spock” would say…
Pat recently confirmed this info herself on her Facebook page…
I guess opposites really do attract.
So back when men were losing their minds over this beautiful woman, they didn’t stand a chance because she was taken…by Mr. Spock of all people! Go figure!
One thing we really dig about Pat though, is that she always stood up for what she believed in. She was a model in the fashion industry, but she refused to allow the beauty standards of the industry to dictate her self worth, thus that’s why she shaved her head and risked jeopardizing her whole career while she was on top. At the time, she was the second highest paid model at the popular modeling agency, Stewart Models, she still did it. Here’s what she said about that:
“I began to call them [the fashion industry] hair worshippers. It’s all about the hair. Since I was a child, people were talking about good hair, bad hair, this hair, that hair. People with kinky hair were straightening it and making it blonde to look like white women. I think it’s the hair factor that messes up everybody. I thought one day, what if there wasn’t any hair at all? So I went home and shaved all my hair.”
Speaking of Sanaa, our girl is sitting on cloud nine right now, because the…