She is Regina King, best known for her roles on the 80’s sitcom, 227, and in many films such as Poetic Justice, Boyz N Da Hood, This Christmas and the animated TV show, Boondocks.

For those who didn’t catch the hint about the famous child actor she dated for years, it’s none other than “Theo” from the Cosby Show a.k.a. Malcolm Jamal-Warner. They were like the perfect couple, but things went sour with their relationship in 2013 and they decided to split. Regina was on The Wendy Williams show a few months ago and she stated that she’s single and that she knows what she wants in a man.
When Malcolm was asked about he and Regina’s breakup by Sister Sister Magazine, he said this:
“Well, I mean, you try not to date in the spotlight. I think what Regina and I—you know, we had been together for several years before people realized we were together. So unfortunately, our breakup got more coverage than our being together, and that kind of sucked ’cause we spent so much time trying to keep it out of the public eye, and then the breakup was so much in the public eye. So all relationships have their share of obstacles, and you just try not to have yours plastered.”
When asked about whether or not she’s dating, Regina said:
“You know, I need to do a better job at it. I’ve been so busy with work, and my girlfriends are like, ‘Do you think a man is just gonna go knock on the door, like, ‘I’m here!’?’ And I think I wish he would, but I have to make that more of a priority.”
“I don’t understand,” Williams replied. “You’re still in the juicy years.“
“I know and that’s what one of my friends that’s just a couple of years older than me [said], she was like, ‘You’d better not waste these years!'” King said.
“What are you, picky?” Williams asked. “Can he be the plumber or does he have to own the plumbing company?“
“Own the plumbing company, own the plumbing company,” the actress replied. “I mean, look, look, this is the thing. I think you can find love anywhere and my heart is open to it, but I would like to have…if I can pay for us to go on a vacation, all expenses paid out of my own pocket, then he should be able to do that as well.”
Does Regina King have a point? Should it matter if your mate is compatible to you financially? Yes or no?
Here is an Old School fun fact about Regina King that many people don’t know: Regina’s sister is also an actress who starred in the…