Weeks After 'Robbery' Fiasco, Cops Investigate NBA Star Dennis Rodman In 2nd Hostile Incident

Weeks After ‘Robbery’ Fiasco, Cops Investigate NBA Star Dennis Rodman In 2nd Hostile Incident

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This article is about another unfortunate Dennis Rodman debacle…*sigh*. What-in-the-mid-90’s-controversy-flashbacks-is really going on here?!! The 58 year old’s recent back to back run-ins with the law kinda feel like we’re back in 1995/96, when the NBA legend was cuttin’ up on the court, but living in a state of toxicity in his personal life.

That brings us to the current investigation that the Delray Beach Police Dept. has just opened up, in regards to a new battery claim against Dennis Rodman. He’s being accused of slapping the hell outta a man at a California bar on May 17th, were Rodman celebrating his 58th birthday party.

What Went Down At Rodman’s B-Day Party…
According to reports, the alleged victim is now ready to press charges. Details below:

Via TMZ– The alleged victim is 30-year-old Jeff Soulouque — who says he was hanging at the party when Dennis “unprovokedly turned around and smacked him,” right in the face.

Soulouque claims Rodman immediately began apologizing for the incident and invited him out to dinner the following night in an attempted peace offering. But, Soulouque tells TMZ Sports he was really hurt — and went to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a left corneal abrasion. He went to cops the day after the incident and filed a report.

A witness, named David Lee Roth (not the rock star), reportedly snitched on Rodman when cops contacted him about accuser, Soulouque’s, smack claim:

“Roth stated he was about twenty feet away and he saw Rodman turn around and open hand smack Soulouque two times,” the report states. … Cops are now on the hunt for video of the incident and have listed Rodman as an official suspect in an alleged battery.

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Dennis Rodman’s Lawyer Calls BS…
Rodman’s lawyer, Lorne Berkeley, has now spoken about about the alleged smack down and denied everything:

“I’ve spoken with people who were with Dennis the entire night of the alleged incident at Buddha Sky Bar. No one saw any such incident occur and Dennis was sober the entire night. … Currently the matter is in its preliminary stages but we fully expect after a thorough investigation that no such incident will be substantiated. Dennis denies any such incident occurred.”

This latest smack-em-up allegation comes just weeks after Dennis Rodman, his wife, and two friends were named as suspects in a clothing robbery at a Newport Beach, CA yoga studio on May 8, 2019. That case is still pending.

Hopefully the brotha gets whatever help he may (or may not) need at this time. But in the words of the late, great, ‘Florida Evans’: “Damn, damn, DAMN” Dennis!

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