Listen up ILOSM fam’…’Shug Avery’ told us in The Color Purple that “God’s tryna tell you something,” but Halle Berry looked like she was trying to tell us something Sunday night at a red carpet event.

Janet Jackson might not be the only superstar popping a lil’ mini-me out at 50. If a picture is worth a thousand words, Halle just may have joined the 50 and preggo’ club. The Oscar Award winner showed up to the Butterfly Ball in Los Angeles, posing for cameras in her form fitting dress and intentionally caressing her ‘bump’ for the pictures.

Now, a few things could be happening here: (1) Halle could simply be a lil’ bloated; (2)she could have just gained a few pounds, although it seems highly unlikely because her weight gain is only located in her tummy and seems perfectly rounded; (3) she could have been cradling a stomach tumor, which we highly doubt and pray she doesn’t have…but we’re just trying to cover all ground here; (4) she’s a phenomenal actress and could simply be ‘acting’ like she’s pregnant; or (5) Halle could be pregnant y’all…this is the most likely scenario, but who knows?
Fan Reactions To The ‘Bump’
Of course Halle’s fans were sounding off their conclusions about this on social media:
Log on and see Halle Berry is 50 and pregnant, by who? What I need answers
— DKT (@darleneturner53) June 4, 2017
If Halle’s Twitter profile is any indication of what we all should be concluding from her “bump” pics, then we probably will be giving her a congratulations in about 5 or 6 more months. So we’ll leave you with Halle’s Twitter description:
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see -Thoreau