Whitney's Bodyguard (Who Inspired "The Bodyguard" Film) Tells Why She Fired Him, Blames Bobby

Whitney’s Bodyguard (Who Inspired “The Bodyguard” Film) Tells Why She Fired Him, Blames Bobby

Whitney Houston with then-husband, Bobby Brown

The beloved Whitney Houston passed away from an overdose on February 12, 2012. Ever since then, there have been several confirmations – from those close to her – that she had a long battle with drugs. We’ve seen her ex-hubby, Bobby Brown, painfully discuss it publicly. We watched in sadness as Whitney’s brother, Michael Houston, tearfully confessed to their mother, Cissy Houston, (during an Oprah Winfrey interview) that it was not Bobby who introduced Whitney to drugs, it was HE who did so, long before she’d met Bobby.

In more recent years, Whitney’s former bodyguard — who also inspired her film, The Bodyguard –– Welshman David Roberts,  is spoke out about what he tried to warn the Houston family about, and why he ultimately got fired. He was Whitney’s bodyguard for seven and a half years.

In an interview with Radio Times, Roberts explained the incident he was fired for, after trying to save Whitney from her reported drug addiction. He also believes that he felt Bobby was too much of an enabler; and was jealous of Whitney’s career. He also made bold claims said about the death of their beloved daughter, Bobbi Kristina. See what else Roberts revealed below…

Whitney’s former Bodyguard, who inspired her 1992 film, “The Bodyguard,” Welshman David Roberts

Roberts On Whitney’s Fatal Overdose

Welshman David Roberts: “There were a lot of people who were aware of the inevitable outcome of what would happen if they didn’t take action and, as we know, they took no action. And the result was fatal.”

Bodyguard Claims Bobby B. Was A “Burden”

W.D. Roberts: “We brought this man [Brown] out on tour and it became an additional burden. Every two days there was a crate of Heineken and a bottle of Crown Royal, and every third day we were ill. […] If that coincided with a show, too bad, the show didn’t go on. This man could not come up to her level so she went down to his.”

Whitney and Bobby

Whitney’s Bodyguard Reveals Incident That He Ultimately Got Him Fired

Roberts also stated that he never actually saw Whitney do drugs, but that he would just see the after-affects of them in her behavioral changes…

W.D. Roberts: “In seven and a half years, I never ever saw Ms. Houston take any drug other than bottle of Heineken or a Newport cigarette.”

During a performance for the niece of the Sultan of Brunei, Roberts says that’s when he really became aware of how bad the addiction was:

“She [Whitney] went on stage and couldn’t sing a word, sing a note. Not one. She talked her way through an hour and a half of total and utter embarrassment,” said Roberts.

Roberts then revealed that is when he took action. Under the advise of Whitney’s doctors, he filed his report to the people in charge of her career, to make them aware of how badly her addiction had become so they could get her help. However, Roberts claims that soon afterwards, he was contacted by Whitney’s lawyers and told his services were no longer needed.

Bodyguard’s Allegations About Bobby Regarding Daughter’s Death

As far as the death of Bobby’s and Whitney’s beloved daughter, Bobbi Kristina, at age 22, Welshman D. Roberts went hard at Bobby B. for it.

Whitney Houston with daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown

W.D. Roberts: “That girl [Bobby Kristina] had no chance from the start. She was born into chaos. Her father was instrumental in her mother’s downfall. … I watched Bobbi Kristina as a little girl, running around the corridors of hotels we were staying in, surrounded by the degenerates who were supposed to be looking after her, and I worried for her future.”

“When I heard what had happened to Bobbi Kristina, I wasn’t surprised, but I was angry. […] Everything good Bobby Brown’s ever had in his life, he’s destroyed – his career, Whitney, and now Bobbi Kristina. She’s another victim of his poisonous personality.”

Geesh! This is sad no matter how we look at it. But should Bobby Brown really take most (or all) of the blame? Or should the blame be equally distributed among himself and all other contributing parties? Especially since we now know that it was not Bobby who actually introduced Whitney to drugs?

Some may say ‘yes’; some would say ‘no,’ both Whitney and Bobby are equally to blame…as well as Bobby’s and Whitney’s parents, and their parents, etc., regarding the generational dysfunction that has presented itself in various ways within both the Brown and Houston families. There’s no judgement here though, because MOST of us regular folks have forms of dysfunction within our own families. The only difference is that Bobby’s and Whitney’s was put on front street due to their celebrity status.


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