Woman Who Critically Stabbed Mary J. Blige’s Dad Didn’t Get The Sentence Many Expected

Posted On : April 22, 2022
Mary J. Blige (L) with her sister, Latonya Blige, and their dad, Thomas Blige

When Mary J. Blige’s father, Thomas Blige, was severely stabbed multiple times, medical staff did not know if he’d make it through. The woman who stabbed him also had an uncertain fate, as she faced life in prison. What she ended up getting, however, shocked many.

Mary J.’s Dad Explained The Stabbing Incident…
In 2014, Mary J. Blige’s then-63-year-old father, Thomas Blige, was listed in critical condition after being stabbed with a kitchen knife in his throat, lung, and arm, by his then-50-year-old girlfriend, Cheryl White. He remained hospitalized for a while and Cheryl was arrested on an ‘assault with intent to murder’ charge.

Mary J. Blige’s sister, Latonya Blige, with their dad, Thomas Blige

The incident went down in Battle Creek, Michigan, outside of Thomas friend’s apartment at 6:59 a.m. on January 23, 2014. Thankfully, Thomas Blige made a remarkable recovery…and by the time Cheryl White’s trial in August of that same year, he was able to tell the judge how his girlfriend stabbed him:

“I was up early getting ready for school and I saw Cheryl White slashing my tires,” Thomas Blige told Judge Frank Line. “As I went to her she started slashing me. She said something out of anger like, ‘you won’t mess with me.'”

Here’s What Blige Says Happened After The Stabbing

Mugshot of Thomas Blige’s girlfriend, Cheryl White [Calhoun County Sheriff Department]

Thomas Blige Tried To Save Himself
Thomas also told the judge that after Cheryl stabbed him, he made it back to his friend’s apartment, who then called 911, as Thomas bled out of his neck, chest, and arm.

They Had A Domestic Dispute A Day Earlier…
Mary J.’s father explained that the reason he was staying at his friend’s apartment was because he and Cheryl had a domestic dispute the day before she stabbed him:

“Me and Cheryl have serious domestic problems,” Blige said. “The day before we were fighting and the police were called. We have verbal fights multiple times. An enormous number of times.”

Thomas denied Cheryl’s claim, that he tried to attack her after he’d caught her slashing his car tires:

“I saw her stabbing my tires,” Blige said. “And I saw a knife when I ran up to her. … “I didn’t chase her, I approached her. I was trying to embrace her out of love. I have never harmed her; I love her and I don’t like the situation she is in.”

Details On The Punishment Thomas Blige’s Girlfriend Ended Up Getting

Mary J. Blige and her dad months after stabbing attack [Facebook]
Cheryl White was originally facing life in prison for her ‘attempted murder’ charge, which nearly killed Mary J. Blige’s father. However, Cheryl ended up coppin’ a plea deal and received a sentence that many did not expect…

Via Battle Creek Inquirer: Cheryl White, 50, pleaded no contest to assault with intent to commit great bodily harm less than murder and is expected to spend no more than a year in jail.

The no contest plea was agreed to because of possible civil liability and because White could not remember the incident, [White’s attorney] Jeff Schroder said. … As part of the agreement both the defense and prosecutors said White would not serve more than a year in the county jail and would undergo mental health treatment as part of her probation.

In a past interview, Mary J. Blige reportedly admitted that her Dad physically abused her mother, Cora Blige, when they were married back in the day. It was also reported that Thomas Blige and Cheryl White had a “long history of domestic violence.” So, hopefully Mr. Blige and his girlfriend have learned wise lessons from their unfortunate ordeal, which ultimately could have claimed both of their lives.

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We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.