So, the other day Jamie Foxx was somewhere in Croatia chillin’ and having a quaint dinner at an upscale resort restaurant on the Adriatic sea. After working hard on the set of his upcoming film, Robin Hood: Origins, all the brotha wanted to do was eat a good meal and relax. But naaaaw, that couldn’t happen, because all of a sudden, all HELL broke lose after two jealous, racists White dudes stepped to Jaime and his dinner associates to stir up unnecessary ruckus with him.

Apparently the random strangers had an issue with Jaime for having brown skin and took it upon themselves to let him know, in their Croatian language, that they didn’t appreciate it, by yelling the word, ‘crncuga,’ at him. ‘Crncuga’ is Croation for ‘nigger.’
As the racists were ranting and carrying on for a few minutes, Jaime calmly pulled out his phone and started Snap-chatting the whole incident, which he’s since deleted. In the video, the men can be seen in the background being hauled away by authorities, as Jaime is talking about what had just went down. Check out the video below…
I gotta give it to Jaime, he kept his cool and he even jokingly mocked the racial slurs the racists were spewing at him. Big ups to him for that, because that type of disrespect typically warrants a beatdown-first-laugh-at-it-later kinda reaction.
And besides, I ain’t sure if those racist cats knew who Jaime was, but they probably wouldn’t have wanted him to revert back to “Django,” just sayin…