Wow! Rick James Confessed To Having Sexual Encounters With WHAT?!!

Wow! Rick James Confessed To Having Sexual Encounters With WHAT?!!

rick james7

2. Rick confessed to having ongoing beef with two music legends.
James held a serious grudge against George Clinton, for consuming his cocaine but never helping him get a record deal, and Prince, who stole his style (and, James claims, his stage moves). Bringing Prince out on tour didn’t go well for Rick: “My band was a bunch of friendly down-home brothas loved by everyone. His band was a bunch of snobs who never bothered to acknowledge my guys.”

Years later, what gave James the push to collaborate with Eddie Murphy was that Eddie had gone in the studio with Prince but felt uncomfortable around Prince, so Rick James said this; “There wasn’t anything I’d rather have done than write a hit for Eddie — and stick it in Prince’s ear.”

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